Monday, February 14, 2011

Removing currying from posl

Part of the exploration in creating a language was to see what I could do with it. To see the edges that could be obtained. So I started off rather happy that I could easily support currying from a written function point of view. And what I mean by written function. Is that for functions that were written in the language itself I could rather support it. But for those commands that were implemented in Java, well that was a tad bit more difficult.

For a while I was fine with that, but then as I refactored I realized that just how ingrained as part of the language currying needs to be. It is one of those features that doesn't necessarily get bolted on, but it is part of the definition.

So as I worked on reducing the scope of what I was doing, I realized that currying would be confusing (partially implemented) or overly cumbersome (implemented to support the java commands) and did I really need it?

I mean I had a state based mechanism so currying wasn't as clearly needed.

Well, I've gotten to the point where I need to reduce cruft. My vision for posl is refining and at this point I will be removing currying.

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