Monday, November 15, 2010

Changes in the grammar

My original vision for posl is changing. I tried hard to look at the various constructs that compose language and provide a unique charachter set that would always mean the same thing.

That would provide us with a function definition like so

function foo|bar|{
doSomething bar

The 'pipe' was used to delimit a list of atomic values that would be used as variable assignments in the context of the function.

But what was it? a list? if it was a list could I use it in other places to define a list?

Then I had braces '(' and ')' this originally defined a predicate, a boolean result. so if you saw

set x (foo bar)

you knew the result of foo bar bar would(or should) be equivalent to true.

I like this, and it makes sense at a high level. Yet underneath, it's all a list. It's conceptually the same thing, over and over again, represented in different ways.

I then ran into an issue of "lack of characters" One of the defining problems when designing a language is the sheer lack of representational characters we have on a keyboard. We've already over ridden and multi-purposed all the special characters already so you have to be cautious over what you are attempting to do.

I finally said "screw it" and removed the '|' as special characters and reverted to a list. So that the demo function in question now becomes

function foo(bar){

which, of course, makes it look closer to other languages and that, in itself, provides some value.

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