Monday, May 16, 2011

separating characters

Right now gloo&gl is taken as a unique identifier. Because all characters that are not a number or string are taken as as an "atom"

By saying, all latin numeric characters form one set while everything else combines as something different would translate that into 3 identifiers gloo, &, and gl.

Makes it easier for doing functions and writing the code in general

Possible changes

I'm considering two possible changes for posl.

  1. Separating ascii and special characters into different groups. This would allow for a condensed form of writing the code
  2. Including an EOL indicator - This would be huge change in the structure and format that's allowed

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

looking for help

Finally decided that I need more eyes to view the code. So I put up a "for help" sign on sourceforge

Monday, May 9, 2011

jedit plugin is now compiling and is marginally functioning. Just haven't had the time to really dive into the details yet.